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Solokill: What is a solokill in competitive games?

A solokill in a game is when a single player defeats an enemy without help from their teammates or external factors and only relies on themself. A solokill showcases a player's raw mechanical skill and game sense by winning a one-on-one combat scenario.

In games like League of Legends or Dota 2, players define a solokill as damaging their opponent and reducing at least 70% of their health without help. In games like Counter-Strike or Valorant, it's when players eliminate an enemy on their own. Solokills can change the tide of a match because a single player taking care of an opponent alone is a big help to the team and can grant high rewards, leading to a team winning.

How to solokill effectively in competitive games?

As mentioned earlier, solokilling someone depends on someone's skill, game sense, and execution, and is very hard to pull off. However, players can use some tricks to effectively solokill opponents. For example, in first-person shooter games, players should always keep their crosshairs at head level so that their enemies always walk into their aim or try to predict movements and play unpredictably so that opponents have a hard time lining up a clear shot.
As for MOBA titles, players can try to flank enemies by circling and catching them off-guard. If one chooses a champion that counters the enemy, one can abuse their character by taking advantage of its skills. Also, if a gamer’s character is at a higher level than their opponent and has better items, then it’s a good option to engage them, as that will almost always guarantee a kill.


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